August 13, 2014

Interior Of Dar Khalifa (Caliph’s House) In Casablanca

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dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia

We arrive to Dar Khalifa a bit late. It’s a challenge to reach the house even for the second time. First time Tahir picked us up from the road. We were too busy chatting to remember the way. No address. We pass by Harley Davidson, luxury villas and the slums. People in Bidonville are sweet, they all greet us with smile even though we don’t know each other. I had a different opinion about this place. Finally we stand in front of a massive wall. That’s the garden of Dar Khalifa.

Tahir is a warm person with thousands extraordinary stories to share. We sit down in the garden and talk… Luckily we manage to record 24 minutes of his amusing speech before some unannounced guests come. The house is always full of people! No wonder why everybody loves to be there…


Inside Dar Khalifa: 

dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia oko proroka


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia  hallucinate



dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia  old book


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia  wooden swing



dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia door


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia


dar khalifa caliph's house caliph riad home writer liza foreman new york times tahir shah idries monika mizinska villa luxury haunted abandoned ghost jinn moroccan morocco dom kalifa pisarza interior design sofa kanapa teatable office bookshelf bookstore library czytelnia

Bonus! Some quotes quickly srcibbled down during my talk with Tahir! 

“I love that hybrid country!”

“Almost every American has a psychiatrist. In Morocco the family and society are the therapy”

“Morocco is such an obvious place to live!”

“What I love about Casa is that people recognize you. It is a very gentle, sweet place”

© Bewildered in Morocco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published without permission, rewritten or redistributed.

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  • Hi, there! I happened to see your blog while planning my trips to Morocco! I enjoy reading your post! I’m wondering if Dar Khalifa (Caliph’s House) is the guesthouse where tourist can stay as I like tahir shah’s books so much! Thanks for the info! Your reponses are much appreciated!

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