Many people ask me about traveling by public transportation in Morocco during holidays. Are trains frequent? Are they fast? Are there many delays? Etc. I decided to write this brief, quick note about Moroccan trains.
I will surprise you, traveling in Morocco during holidays is quite pleasant.
Trains go quite often. You’ll not struggle to catch next train if you miss the previous one. In Poland they tend to limit the number of trains during holidays, in Morocco they don’t.
It is advisable to book a first class seat during holidays and long weekends. Many people travel those days so you’ll have to be lucky to find a spot in 2nd class. What I did during Eid al Adha – I took the train back at 1 pm instead of taking it in the evening. I found an empty train and a lot of space;)
Due to an enormous number of passengers delays are inevitable. It is usually 10-30 min. It takes a lot of time for people to get and get off from the train.
You can travel by a rented car, grand taxi (if you are not traveling from north to south:D) or buses. Make sure to book your bus ticket at least a week in advance. I forgot to do it before and I didn’t find a single free spot on any bus before Eid al Adha!
Timetable, prices and booking: check ONCF official website
The most reliable bus company is CTM. With them you can reach almost every smallest city in Morocco.
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