December 19, 2021

How to Start a Business in Morocco: A Personal Guide to Company Registration + PDF!

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Marhaba, fellow entrepreneurs and dreamers! Today, we’re diving into the exciting (and sometimes nerve-wracking) world of starting a businessin this vibrant country. Why Morocco, you ask? Picture this: a strategic location bridging Europe and Africa, a growing economy hungry for innovation, and government incentives that make you want to do a little dance. It’s a land of opportunity, my friends!

But let’s get real for a second. They say, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,” and let me tell you, this rule is 100% applicable when it comes to company creation and administrative work in Morocco! So, grab a mint tea, get cozy, and let me walk you through my personal journey of incorporating a company in Morocco. I promise to make this Morocco business setup guide as smooth and painless as possible!

The Morocco Company Registration Process: An Overview

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a bird’s eye view of the main steps involved in starting a business in Morocco:

  1. Choose your company structure
  2. Register your company name
  3. Prepare necessary documents
  4. Set up your business address
  5. Register with the Regional Investment Center (CRI)
  6. Open a bank account
  7. Register for taxes and social security

Now, let’s break it down step by step, shall we?

Step 1: Choosing Your Company Structure

First things first, you need to decide on your business structure. In Morocco, the most common types for foreign investors are:

  • SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée): Limited Liability Company
  • SA (Société Anonyme): Public Limited Company

As a small business owner, I opted for SARL. It’s simpler to set up and manage, perfect for us bewildered entrepreneurs!

Step 2: Registering Your Company Name

Ah, the fun part! Choosing a name for your business baby. But hold your horses – you need to make sure it’s available first. Head over to the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC) to check and reserve your name. Pro tip: have a few options ready, just in case!

Step 3: Preparing Your Documents

Now, brace yourself. This is where your patience (and French language skills) will be put to the test. Here’s a list of documents you’ll need:

  • Articles of Association (Statuts)
  • Lease agreement or property deed
  • Copies of shareholders’ ID documents
  • Bank certificate of capital deposit
  • Various application forms

Remember: Always make one more copy than asked. Trust me on this one!

Step 4: Setting Up Your Business Address

You have two options here: rent an office space or use a domiciliation service. If you’re not a resident in Morocco, I’d recommend the latter. Learn from my mistake – I put my address in the domiciliation and status, and had to reprint everything and repeat half the process!

Step 5: Registering with the CRI

The Regional Investment Center (CRI) is your new best friend. They’ll guide you through the Morocco investment procedures and help you submit your application. I found the CRI in Casablanca to be quite organized, which was a breath of fresh air!

Step 6: Opening a Bank Account

As a foreigner, opening a business bank account can be tricky. You’ll need:

  • Your passport
  • Proof of address
  • Company registration documents
  • Initial deposit (amount varies by bank)

Step 7: Registering for Taxes and Social Security

Last but not least, you need to register for taxes with the local tax office and for social security with the CNSS. Don’t forget to get your business licenses and permits sorted too!

Challenges and Tips for Foreign Entrepreneurs

Let’s be honest – starting a business in Morocco as a foreigner isn’t always a walk in the park. Here are some challenges I faced and how I overcame them:

  1. Language Barrier: If your French isn’t up to scratch, consider hiring a translator or a local consultant. It’ll save you time, money, and sanity in the long run.
  2. Bureaucracy: Patience is key. Some institutions are organized, others… not so much. Deep breaths and a good sense of humor will get you through!
  3. Hidden Costs: Always have more money than you think you’ll need. Taxis, printing, unexpected fees – they all add up.
  4. Cultural Differences: Business practices might be different from what you’re used to. Embrace the learning experience!

Final Thoughts

Starting a business in Morocco has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences of my life. It’s taught me patience, perseverance, and the art of navigating bureaucracy with a smile.

Remember, you don’t need a residency permit to start the process – a tourist visa is enough to get the ball rolling. And while it might seem daunting, the opportunities in this beautiful country make it all worthwhile.

If you want a more detailed, step-by-step guide to opening a company in Morocco, including insider tips and tricks, I’ve put together a comprehensive PDF just for you. It covers everything from choosing your company name to opening your bank account, with all the nitty-gritty details in between.

Contact us to get your hands on this invaluable resource and start your Moroccan business adventure with confidence!

Have you had experience starting a business in Morocco? Or are you thinking about taking the plunge? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below – I’d love to hear from you!

Stay bewildered and business-savvy,

© Bewildered in Morocco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published without permission, rewritten or redistributed.

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  • […] So how to get employed if you come here on a tourist visa? Unfortunately not many Moroccan companies are willing to help employees to get a work permit(bigger ones do though!). It is a long (looong…) process, lots of stress, stamps, signatures, time, and money! If you want to get a contract, it is better to find a niche work (to prove that there is no Moroccan who can do this job, ie. you speak Bulgarian, Chinese or whatever, anything to prove your qualifications are impossible to find in Morocco). Alternatively, and that’s what many foreigners do, is to open your own company so you can work with whoever you want to. How to open your own entreprise? I wrote about it here. […]

  • Thank you for spending the time to write your blog!
    I am in the process of applying for residency here in Morocco. I have a company established and ready to go, but I am unsure if that is enough. On the requirements given by the visa office that lists what I need to apply for my residency, it says that I need a contrat de bail. However, I don’t have a contrat de bail. I have a contract for my domiciliation from the local office space lease company called Regus. Is this the same thing? Does either one work?

    Thank you for your help!

    • Hello Eric, for the first application domiciliation will be enough but the next ones won’t work like this. Next year you will need to have an office because they check it and pay visits.

  • Hi there I want to open a call centre in Morocco I have the experience and the capital I need more information and would be grateful if I could get some help. Regards

  • Much obliged to you for investing the energy to compose your website!

    I am applying for residency here in Morocco. I have an organization set up and prepared to go, however I am uncertain if that is sufficient.

  • This site is so helpful thank you for the blog. I am trying to open a Subway, so will I need to fill out the Certificat negatif with Subway name?

  • Thank you for informative article. I saw that there are different business entities in Morocco. It seems to me to register a SARL is the easiest? Is it the same as the process above?

  • I am wondering do you need a certain amount of money in your account and to prove it . to start ? or can you start something with out having like lets say 10,000 dollars in your account?

    • When I opened it, the minimum capital was 1000 EUR :) I think 10.000 USD is moooore than enough:)

      • Do you have an estimate of the totalt price for letting a lawyer/legal company set up the company for you?

        Is it possible to set up the company without visiting Morocco i.e can the lawyer do everything for you?

  • Hey Bewildered !!!

    Its good to read such article.I really appreciate it.The content that you have share to start up business is good.The points you have mentioned are very beneficial.To start up any business you have go through these points that you have mentioned in it.

    so keep posting such article.
    Have a great day.

  • Hey Bewildered !!!

    Its good to read such article.I really appreciate it.The content that you have share to start up business is good.The points you have mentioned are very beneficial.To start up any business you have go through these points that you have mentioned in it.

    so keep posting such article.
    Thanks for the artcile
    Have a great day.

  • Hi, great blog.
    i am in Marrakech now, starting this process. I speak french and English and i wanted to know is it better to perform this task myself or hire someone? also, what is the purpose of the report negative, just for the name of the company?

    • As I wrote, you won’t be able to do it 100% by yourself… even if you speak French! It is way better to hire someone, contact me if you need a pro accountant, I will put you in contact. He has done it many times for foreigners. Cert Neg is just for the name yes but it is obligatory you can’t proceed without

  • Hi Bewildered, Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. My name is Yagyah and I am getting married to a Moroccan lady and would like to start a Fish business in Marrakech(possibly). I was there in Dec`15 and Mar`16 and I wasted such a lot of time and monies. Please advise as to how I should go about this and the possible capital injection?
    Once again, I thank you for valuable input (GREAT STUFF BRO !!!!)

  • Thanks for a blog
    Hi this is Tahir from Bahrain I am Indian passport holder,
    Currently I am running my own company in Bahrain the same computers electronic trading company want to open Marcco,
    Can you help me send me fair consultant details so I can contact him,
    Thanks with regards

  • i am moroccan and i want make company here your blog is really helpful more than even some office ~~
    am wondering ifi need hire a lowyer ? and also if i need write my adress because usually i live in korea

    • Salam Assia, everything is doable! I am glad it helped, contact me by email for details

  • Hi bewildered
    thanks for helping the people to come through for opening a business in morocco ,just if you can help me as well as I would like to set up a recruiting company in morocco ,could you share a contact details of one of lawyers which you know or you deal with

  • Hi there,

    Really useful blog, thanks so much for sharing!

    With regards to address of the business, could this just be a rented appartment?

  • It was very important to all citizen of Morocco people who are very interested to open new business. I am sure that it would be good to people for analyzing what should they want to open as their business. They can decide now by your guide line.

  • Good information for me because, I am thinking to open new company in morocco with my friends. But we don’t know everything how to open company. Now, we have known that what essential things we need to ready for that. thanks for good post..

  • Hello!
    I’d be interested to open a small business in Morocco. I was wondering about the amount needed to register it. Thanks in advance!

  • Hello,
    I just came to Maroc for a quick visit (as turist)
    But I really like this country and its wonderful people.
    Planning to come back soon, but I would like to know about many things, and one of them is how much rent (if I rent an office or shop) is paid in advance, is there any deposit needed? Do I need someone local to garant me? Thank you in advance. And wish you good business.
    Hey! I just had this idea, Lets all connect guys! Lets be part of a business network (we already are “bewildered” anyhow)

  • Salaam ! Jamila,

    I am from Cape Town South Africa and I am contemplating to establish an import and export company in Tangier.

    Kindly provide me with the details of the ” trustworthy english speaking accountant” who can further assist me with this tedious task,


  • Hello dear, i want to open a company in morocco, and i know that before registering a company, there is some fees as a foreigner. Please can you advise me how much can i come along with, to get the company register??? Can you guild me and assist me to get all done.

    • Hi Shajahan,

      Kindly explain what type of IT company you are.
      I’am a Dutch national based in Tangier and might be able to partner with you.

  • Hi,
    In Sha Allah, I would like to open a business in Morocco. How can I get in contact with you and your accountant? Thank you!

  • Very helpful article indeed!
    Also, glad to see that many of you intend to invest! As a relationship manager based in Casablanca for the leading bank in Morocco, I can assist you from opening a corporate account and handling the day-to-day operations, to fulfilling your company’s financing needs.
    Contact me at w.elmejjad[at]attijariwafa[.]com so we can discuss how we can help your business.
    (Language is not a problem)

    • Hi Mohamed, if you still need someone to guide you to open up a company in morocco, contact me elhatifi{at}gmail{.}com

  • does the share capital can used as euros?
    if the original investement is made as euros by foreigners

  • Yes you can, In the status it’s written in dirhams and also in the accountancy, once the euros are in your account they will be automatically converted in dirhams by the accountant based on the exchange rate.

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