October 27


18 Moroccan Travellers That Will Inspire Your Next Travel

By Bewildered in Morocco

October 27, 2015

Last updated on May 29th, 2017 at 05:10 pm


Morocco is a touristy country, every year millions of tourists from all over the world come here. On the other hand, there are also many Moroccans who didn’t want to stay at home and decided to explore the world. Today I would like to share with you websites and Facebook pages of Moroccan globetrotters that I admire and follow. Some of them discover the glory of their own country, some others travel far, far away, to different countries and continents. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to:

Tarik Raiss

Tarik is a skateboarder who started an inspiring project “The sound of living”. He travelled 3200 km alone on his skate board. His captions on Instagram are very captivating and motivating to get out of one’s comfort zone. Tarik wants to prove that life is more than 9-5 well-paid office job. And he is doing it well!

Visit Tarik's Twitter
Visit Tarik’s Twitter

Traveller Moustache

Seif Kousmate was working in a company like millions of other Moroccans. After a while he got bored of his office job, in 2014 he took a decision to leave his job and explore the world. His first destination was Asia. He is a globetrotter and a photographer, check out the photos that he took during his trips, they are truly stunning!

Photo taken from Traveller Moustache's Facebook fan page
Photo from Traveller Moustache’s Facebook fan page


The Travellista Tale

I met Imane Belhabes on one of those groups for solo female travellers. We got on well quickly, she came to my event and we met several times afterwards. She told me about her father, who’s had that travel bug eversince. Her love for travelling started with her first business trip that her company sent her on. She fell in love with planes and since then she’s been discovering different countries by herself. Now Imane lives and works in Dubai and never misses any opportunity to travel, even if it is just a short trip.

Photo source: Imane's Facebook
Photo source: Imane’s Facebook


Let’s Travel Happy

Rita Berrada’s parents have always been in love with travelling, as she says she never knew but she’s been infected with that travel bug since early childhood. She lived and studied in France. She’s had several different jobs and after quitting each one of them, she took few months to travel to different continents before starting a new job. She’s been to Asia, Africa, Oceania, both Americas and Europe and she is not planning to stop.

Photo from Rita's Facebook
Photo from Rita’s Facebook


Anass Yakine and Amal Choulli

If you have been following me for a long time, you know my story with Anass. If you are new, let me tell you briefly. I started following Anass since the beginning of his journey for wisdom. Back then, still in Poland, I was hoping to follow his footsteps in a way. When I came to Morocco, I was lucky to meet Anass and his wife, Amal Choulli. They met each other on the road, got married and decided to travel around Africa for 7 years as… their honeymoon journey! African trip will start in 2016, inshaallah!


Hind Touissate

The founder of According to Hind and BETA Changemakers is one of those bubbly, open-minded creatures that this world needs. I don’t know where she gets this energy from, it’s hard to be up-to-date with all her steps as she is always on the move. She travels to different countries to spread peace and speak about importance of education. She works for NGOs, she is a public speaker in international conferences around the globe.

Read my interview with Hind here.


Anass Errihani

When I first saw Anass’ photos I was wondering how many years of experience one must have to take such amazing photos. I was surprised when I discovered it was a (back then) barely 21-years-old Moroccan guy. Anass loves nature and mountains, he is also a passionate climber. If you want to meet him, go to Atlas mountains and there is a big chance that you will see him. For now he focuses on capturing in the photos the picteresqueness of his own country.

Anass Errihari Moroccan Photographer and Climber

Read my interview with Anass here.



Ghassane en Afrique

Can one travel without money? Ghassane proves that yes! Oh sorry, his travel budget was one Moroccan dirham;) He started his Afrian adventure in Casablanca and the finishing point is Cape Town. His aim is to show that it is possible to go across the continent on a really low budget. His Facebook profile is full of photos of daily life snaps in African countries.

Ghassane's FanPage
Check Ghassane’s FanPage


Zolati Othmane : Voyages à pieds

Othmane didn’t want to get trapped in the traditional schema: work eight hours a day from Monday to Friday, take a loan and follow the system. Instead, he decided to discover the world. When I asked him about Morocco, he said he never wants to come back. Right now he is in Ivory Coast and he enjoys it a lot. You can follow Othmane’s adventure thanks to his YouTube channel.

Photo from his Facebook

Moroccan Trippers

A group of four young Moroccans who love their country, Mohamed, Amine, Abdelali, and Abdelilah. They have been discovering the land of tagine in the past years. Camping, budget travel, exploring the mountains… Now two of them are planning an excursion which will start in Morocco and finish in Senegal. They share their adventures on Facebook.


Ali Lytte

I met Ali thanks to his Insta where he shows the photos of Morocco to the world. For now he wants to focus on his country, as he is still a student, but in the future he would like to explore the globe. He captures the beauty of his own country and shares it with people. If you want to see Morocco from an insider’s point of view, that’s a person to follow.


Tarek Bekkouri, Sur La Route

Tarek decided to devote time to his motherland first. After his tour around Morocco, he went to France and Brazil. Now Tarek is planning bigger trips to faraway lands. He shares tips and suggestions about places that he has already been to, making it easier for future travalers planning to visit them as well!


Omar, in a City Near You

Omar Oualili is one of the first Moroccan travellers I had a chance to meet. He studies in London; but he doesn’t let his life revolve around his studies only. He makes his life revolve around travels. He explores the world mostly by himself and always comes back to his city of origin, Casablanca. Whenever he is here, he never stops discovering his own town – I always see him rushing from one place to another, snaping pictures, meeting inspiring individuals and attending cultural events.

Omar’s FanPage


Wanderer Wonderer

Another Moroccan lady that has been bitten by a travel bug. Once upon a time Nawal Merrouch had an average job, like every single one of us. Then she took a decision to quit it and start backpacking. Eventually he ended up in Malaysia, where she met her better half and got engaged. It didn’t make her stop travelling, she didn’t give up her passion and she still backpacks by herself! You can read her story here, see her videos here.


Morccan Nomad

Houda Chaloun, just like Othmane, Nawal and all the rest I’ve mentioned today, was simply fed up with regular work. In 2014 she left her life behind and started a new, nomadic life. Since then she’s visited 40 countries (and counting!). She took her backpack and decided to explore the globe!

Check her FanPage
Check her FanPage


Ayman Abdelilah

Ayman is a young adventurer whose passion is photography. You can see it on his Instagram account! He travels by foot, hitchhiking and on a bike. His focus is mainly on his own country.



Who are lovetrotters? A nomadic married couple, Nadia and Mike. Nadia is originally from Morocco! They both quitted their jobs to travel the world full-time. Nadia is the writer of the blog, Mike stands behind the camera.

Photo taken from their FB
Photo taken from their FB


A Moroccan couple, Ghita and Amine, who have left everything; their jobs, houses, family. They decided to travel the world together! You can follow their adventures on their blog. They take beautiful photos!


© Bewildered in Morocco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published without permission, rewritten or redistributed

  • Got some issues with my internet, wrote two previous comments and I have no idea if you received, anyways one more time , it would be lovely to meet up with you.
    Check my travelling blog also if you want – Backpack with Ghadir.
    Ghadir – one of the youngest Moroccan backpackers.

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